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The Da de Da Poems – Peter Smith

Editions:Paperback - First Edition: £ 7.99
ISBN: 9781912821877
Size: 14.80 x 21.00 cm
Pages: 66

Walking with children always requires some stimulant.
Despite initial enthusiasm they will wilt at some point.
My grandchildren were always keen to come out in the forest
to walk the dog and by constant Da-De-Da-De-Da the feet
kept up a steady rhythm.
The poems and stories came from these excursions.
I’m not sure the dog enjoyed the poems

Publisher: Tricorn Books

In a land not far away,
You’d get here in just one day
There lives a creature called a Bear
His name is Fred some people said
I’m not sure but we’ll stick with Fred
He spends his days hunting food
His foraging skills are not that good
But given the souls on day trips
He manages well on cakes and chips
The people bring their food and drink
No one worries and no one thinks
That in these woods there lives a bear
Waiting to claim the food they share

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